The app engine datastore, of course, has downtime. However, I'd like to have a "fail-safe" put which is more robust in the face of datastore errors (see motivation below). It seems like the task queue is an obvious place to defer writes when the datastore is unavailable. I don't know of any other solutions though (other than shipping off the data to a third-party via urlfetch).
Motivation: I have an entity which really needs to be put in the datastore - simply showing an error message to the user won't do. For example, perhaps some side effect has taken place which can't easily be undone (perhaps some interaction with a third-party site).
I've come up with a simple wrapper which (I think) provides a reasonable "fail-safe" put (see below). Do you see any problems with this, or have an idea for a more robust implementation? (Note: Thanks to suggestions posted in the answers by Nick Johnson and Saxon Druce, this post has been edited with some improvements to the code.)
import logging
from google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue import taskqueue
from google.appengine.datastore import entity_pb
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.runtime.apiproxy_errors import CapabilityDisabledError
def put_failsafe(e, db_put_deadline=20, retry_countdown=60, queue_name='default'):
"""Tries to e.put(). On success, 1 is returned. If this raises a db.Error
or CapabilityDisabledError, then a task will be enqueued to try to put the
entity (the task will execute after retry_countdown seconds) and 2 will be
returned. If the task cannot be enqueued, then 0 will be returned. Thus a
falsey value is only returned on complete failure.
Note that since the taskqueue payloads are limited to 10kB, if the protobuf
representing e is larger than 10kB then the put will be unable to be
deferred to the taskqueue.
If a put is deferred to the taskqueue, then it won't necessarily be
completed as soon as the datastore is back up. Thus it is possible that
e.put() will occur *after* other, later puts when 1 is returned.
Ensure e's model is imported in the code which defines the task which tries
to re-put e (so that e can be deserialized).
return 1
except (db.Error, CapabilityDisabledError), ex1:
payload=db.model_to_protobuf(e).Encode())'failed to put to db now, but deferred put to the taskqueue e=%s ex=%s' % (e, ex1))
return 2
except (taskqueue.Error, CapabilityDisabledError), ex2:
return 0
Request handler for the task:
from google.appengine.ext import db, webapp
# IMPORTANT: This task deserializes entity protobufs. To ensure that this is
# successful, you must import any db.Model that may need to be
# deserialized here (otherwise this task may raise a KindError).
class RetryPut(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
e = db.model_from_protobuf(entity_pb.EntityProto(self.request.body))
e.put() # failure will raise an exception => the task to be retried
I don't expect to use this for every put - most of the time, showing an error message is just fine. It is tempting to use it for every put, but I think sometimes it might be more confusing for the user if I tell them that their changes will appear later (and continue to show them the old data until the datastore is back up and the deferred puts execute).
Your approach is reasonable, but has several caveats: