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Laravel late static binding as static::whereIn

Ok, I read and feel I have some understandings about PHP late static binding for methods and variables. But from line 28 in this code on Laravel 5, it uses with whereIn which is a Laravel Collection method. I don't understand what's going on here, static::whereIn(). Where is the collection so that you can use whereIn().

 * Add any tags needed from the list
 * @param array $tags List of tags to check/add
public static function addNeededTags(array $tags)
    if (count($tags) === 0) {

    $found = static::whereIn('tag', $tags)->lists('tag')->all();

    foreach (array_diff($tags, $found) as $tag) {
            'tag' => $tag,
            'title' => $tag,
            'subtitle' => 'Subtitle for '.$tag,
            'page_image' => '',
            'meta_description' => '',
            'reverse_direction' => false,


  • An example from

    class a
        static protected $test = "class a";
        public function static_test()
            echo static::$test; // Results class b
            echo self::$test; // Results class a
    class b extends a
        static protected $test = "class b";
    $obj = new b();

    So static::whereIn() refers to Tag::whereIn(). Same goes for static::create()