I fill google fusion tables . I've about 2mio entries which should be added to the fusion tables.
I use Google.Apis.Fusiontables.v2
This worked for some monthes. but now I get a quota exceeded exception.
Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Quota Exceeded [403] Errors [ Message[Quota Exceeded] Location[ - ] Reason[quotaExceeded] Domain[usageLimits] ]
As there are more data this isn't that surprising.
But when I look at the quota on https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/fusiontables/quotas I can't see any limitations were hit.
Also in the global quota dashboard I can't see any limits I hit.
I thought that I may hit the 250MB per table. but when I download the datasource the csv only has 40 MB But I think this are only read quotas not write?
private static void WriteItem()
await WriteAsync("map_data", index.AllEdges<BusEdge<TId>>().Where(x => x.MinFrequentPriceInEur > 0), (busEdge, csvWriter) =>
WriteItem(busEdge, csvWriter);
private static void WriteItem(BusEdge<TId> busEdge, CsvWriter csvWriter)
csvWriter.WriteField(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1}",
foreach (Language language in Languages.AllLanguages)
csvWriter.WriteField(sink.DisplayName[language], true);
var priceWithDate =
busEdge.Prices.GroupBy(x => x.Value.MinimumFrequentInEur)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).SelectMany(x => x)
.OrderBy(x => x.Key)
double price = priceWithDate.Value.MinimumFrequentInEur;
csvWriter.WriteField(Math.Round(price, 2));
csvWriter.WriteField(Math.Round(CurrencyInfo.EUR.ConvertMoney(price, CurrencyInfo.GBP), 2));
csvWriter.WriteField(Math.Round(CurrencyInfo.EUR.ConvertMoney(price, CurrencyInfo.HRK), 2));
csvWriter.WriteField(Math.Round(CurrencyInfo.EUR.ConvertMoney(price, CurrencyInfo.PLN), 2));
public static async Task WriteAsync<T>(string tableName, IEnumerable<T> list, Action<T, CsvWriter> writerAction)
using (FusiontablesService service = Connect())
var tables = service.Table.List().Execute();
var tableId = tables.Items.Where(x => x.Name == tableName).Select(x => x.TableId).First();
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
bool hasWritten = false;
Func<Task> uploadAsync = async () =>
if (memoryStream.Length > 0)
memoryStream.Position = 0;
ResumableUpload<string> request =
hasWritten ?
(ResumableUpload<string>)service.Table.ImportRows(tableId, memoryStream, "application/octet-stream") :
(ResumableUpload<string>)service.Table.ReplaceRows(tableId, memoryStream, "application/octet-stream");
var response = await request.UploadAsync();
if (response.Exception != null)
throw response.Exception;
memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
hasWritten = true;
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8, 1024, true))
using (CsvWriter csvWriter = new CsvWriter(writer, new CsvConfiguration { Delimiter = "," }))
foreach (T item in list)
writerAction(item, csvWriter);
if (memoryStream.Length >= Limit)
await uploadAsync();
await uploadAsync();
Any advice how I can find out the specific limit ? and any recommandations on improvements in the code ?
I emailed the support. They told me they will have look. I didn't hear anything new, but the day after that it worked without any change.
Now I have about 20% more data and it still workds. so it looks like it was a google bug