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How do you handle scheduling/deadlines around programmers?

Do programmers like to create deadlines? Im a web developer, and schedules/deadlines are all over the place in my field. But I've worked with some software engineers/programmers who hate deadlines, is there a way around that?


  • Firstly, you need to distinguish between deadlines and estimates.

    • Deadlines come from external sources, eg, "Feature X needs to be ready for the trade show".
    • Estimates come from internal sources, eg, "Feature X will take N weeks to complete".

    Generally, programmers should create estimates, and sales/marketing will create deadlines.

    Problems occur when the two cannot be resolved - if the deadline is closer than the estimate.

    Helpful hints for dev (leads):

    • Let the person doing the work create the estimate.
    • Ensure estimates are based on tiny tasks, each no longer than a day or two.
    • Use a feedback loop to let developers improve their estimation skills.
    • Accurate estimation skills lets you push harder against deadline demands.

    Helpful hints for marketers / deadline creators:

    • Don't override an estimate with a deadline.
    • If a deadline conflicts with an estimate, the only real options are (a) developers work overtime, (b) the requirements for the deadline are trimmed, or (c) the deadline is missed.
    • Explain why the deadline is important, and what the purpose of the feature deadline is ("customer X will sign a six-figure contract").
    • Understand that people who feel they cannot meet aggressive deadlines will not be motivated.