How to access a connector / Data Base from the initial/instantiation Form/Page?
Hi every body, any help will be appreciated. I try to access using the API Rest, but the method need the activyty/task id or the instance flow id. This is because the connector stores its result in a proces/local/Busines data model or Variables, but in the initial form I don't have an instance of the flow/task/activity and I can't access to the variable that stores the value. I need to use the connector to access data base and to the Ldap to get some values to show in the initial form before instantiating the process. Is there any way to call a Groovy Script from initial Form?, if there is, I can access from that script to the data base, and save this value into a form variable, to show it in the form I think. P.S.: I use Bonita 7.2 thanks!
In your case, you probably need to use a REST Api extensions. Basically, you can create a new REST Endpoint using Groovy script. There is a documentation available here: