In a templateItem I have following information for a field.
Name : Product type
field type : 'Droplink'
DataSource : DataSource=/sitecore/content/Enumerations/Products/Product type/
When the content editor creates an item based on above template, for the field 'Product type
' in the dropdown he will see the items under ../Product type
. My question is for the items which are show in dropdown how to show some other field instead of item name
This functionality does not exist out of the box, although the code for the DropLink field looks like has code in there to be able to do this (take a look at the GetItemHeader()
method in Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor.LookupEx
), I do not know how to utilize the parameter through the Content Editor though...
It's simple enough to create a custom field to achieve this though:
using Sitecore;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor;
namespace MyProject.Custom.Fields
public class CustomDropLink : LookupEx
protected override string GetItemHeader(Item item)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FieldName))
this.FieldName = StringUtil.ExtractParameter("FieldName", this.Source).Trim();
return base.GetItemHeader(item);
Then register your custom class in the core
database under /sitecore/system/Field types/
. You can do this by duplicating /sitecore/system/Field types/Link Types/Droplink
and setting the following values:
Assembly: MyProject.Custom
Class: MyProject.Custom.Fields.CustomDropLink
Control: <set this to empty>
Then when you utilise this field set the Source of your field like so: