I have had trouble configuring inbound and outbound calls using FreePBX with SIP provider TWilio.
As it stands I cannot make external calls or receive calls from Twilio.
I have monitored TCP port 5060 and can see traffic routed to my address when I engage a call using my number provided through Twilio but from the FreePBX cli I observe the following when I see incoming traffic.
[#DATE] NOTICE[18449]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:368 log_unidentified_request: Request from '' failed for '' (callid: 41822dbe439f067b0ef90f596b3998d2@ - No matching endpoint found
I have searched the web already for similar issues but have yet to come across anything of use. As this is early testing I have put the system on a DMZ to avoid the NAT firewall.
Note: This is my first post to stack overflow so I may not be correctly following the layout for posting, I apologize in advance. Suggestions are welcome.
This is likely a configuration error.
Check the setup guide. But also, I found from another user with the same error that they changed the following:
pj_sip was set to port 5060 instead of chan_sip
Let me know if this helps at all!