I imported a CSV into Python with Pandas and I would like to be able to use one as the columns as a transaction ID in order for me to make association rules.
(link: https://github.com/antonio1695/Python/blob/master/nearBPO/facturas.csv)
I hope someone can help me to:
Use UUID as a transaction ID for me to have a dataframe like the following:
123ex Meat,Beer
In order for me to get association rules like: {Meat} => {Beer}.
Also, a recommendation on a library to do so in a simple way would be appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
You can aggregate values into a list by doing the following:
This will give you what you want, if you want the UUID back as a column you can call reset_index
on the above:
Also for a Series you can still export this to a csv same as with a df:
You may need to name your index prior to exporting or if you find it easier just reset_index
to restore the index back as a column and then call to_csv