I am trying to pass my fdw an option who's value is a variable. My instinct is to do it like this, but it says that there is a syntax error at x abc. What do I need to do to get this to work?
DO $$
DECLARE abc varchar :='hi';
drop server partner cascade;
create server partner foreign data wrapper multicorn options(
wrapper 'multicorn.fdw.Fdw'
create foreign table partner_accounts(
name text
) server partner options(
x abc
END $$
Tried getting something similar to work once and finally went with executing a formatted query:
DO $$
DECLARE abc varchar :='hi';
drop server partner cascade;
create server partner foreign data wrapper multicorn options(
wrapper 'multicorn.fdw.Fdw'
EXECUTE format('create foreign table partner_accounts(
name text
) server partner options(
x %L
)', abc);
END $$
formats a value as an SQL literal, so 'hi'
in this case. You can't use USING
and parameter symbols with utility statements, so you have to insert the value textually.