I am trying to get the weight of an item I am selling on eBay using their API and it doesnt seem to be returning what they say it should be.
Currently my request XML looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetItemShippingRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<eBayAuthToken>{{Auth Token}}</eBayAuthToken>
<ItemID>{{ Item ID}}</ItemID>
<DestinationPostalCode>{{Destination PostCode}}</DestinationPostalCode>
<DestinationCountryCode>{{Destination Country}} </DestinationCountryCode>
This should give me this output according to the eBay API:
<PackagingHandlingCosts currencyID="USD">3.0</PackagingHandlingCosts>
**<WeightMajor unit="lbs" measurementSystem="English">0</WeightMajor>
<WeightMinor unit="oz" measurementSystem="English">2</WeightMinor>**
<ShippingRateErrorMessage>No Error</ShippingRateErrorMessage>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">26.52</ShippingServiceCost>
I have highlighted with ** text ** what I want to see. But when I print out my responseXML in xcode (Swift) I get this:
<GetItemShippingResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShippingRateErrorMessage>No Error</ShippingRateErrorMessage>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">10.42</ShippingServiceCost>
<ImportCharge currencyID="GBP">0.0</ImportCharge>
Has anyone ever had this problem before? And know of a work around? The eBay API and support forums are not too helpful.
You can retrieve the item weight using the TradingAPI's GetItem call. Just remember to set
in the request XML.
Or you can retrieve all the items' weight using a single GetSellerList call and again remember to set GranularityLevel
to Fine