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eBay API request not returning item weight

I am trying to get the weight of an item I am selling on eBay using their API and it doesnt seem to be returning what they say it should be.

Currently my request XML looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <GetItemShippingRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
            <eBayAuthToken>{{Auth Token}}</eBayAuthToken>
        <ItemID>{{ Item ID}}</ItemID>
        <DestinationPostalCode>{{Destination PostCode}}</DestinationPostalCode>
        <DestinationCountryCode>{{Destination Country}} </DestinationCountryCode>

This should give me this output according to the eBay API:

        <PackagingHandlingCosts currencyID="USD">3.0</PackagingHandlingCosts>
        **<WeightMajor unit="lbs" measurementSystem="English">0</WeightMajor>
        <WeightMinor unit="oz" measurementSystem="English">2</WeightMinor>**
    <ShippingRateErrorMessage>No Error</ShippingRateErrorMessage>
        <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">26.52</ShippingServiceCost>

I have highlighted with ** text ** what I want to see. But when I print out my responseXML in xcode (Swift) I get this:

<GetItemShippingResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
        <ShippingRateErrorMessage>No Error</ShippingRateErrorMessage>
            <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">10.42</ShippingServiceCost>
            <ImportCharge currencyID="GBP">0.0</ImportCharge>

Has anyone ever had this problem before? And know of a work around? The eBay API and support forums are not too helpful.


  • You can retrieve the item weight using the TradingAPI's GetItem call. Just remember to set


    in the request XML.

    Or you can retrieve all the items' weight using a single GetSellerList call and again remember to set GranularityLevel to Fine.