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Implementing my Java Program in Talend : can't Drag & Drop

Here's the deal :

I was asked to developp a JAVA program that would do some reorganisations of .tsv files (moving cells to do some kind of transposition).

So, I tried to do it cleanly and got now 3 different packages:

3 different packages.

Only tsvExceptions and tsvTranspositer are needed to make the main ( work.

Yesterday I learned that I would have to implement it in Talend myself which I had never heard of.

So by searching, i stepped on this stackOverflow topic. So i followed the steps, creating a routine, copy/pasting my main inside it (changing the package to "routines") and added the external needed libraries to it (my two packages exported as jar files and openCSV). Now, when I open the routine, no error is showned but I can't drag & drop it to my created job !

Nothing happens.

Nothing happens. It just opens the component infos as shown with "Properties not available."

package routines;


import com.opencsv.CSVReader;
import com.opencsv.CSVWriter;

import tsvExceptions.ArgsExceptions;
import tsvExceptions.EmptyArgsException;
import tsvExceptions.OutOfBordersArgsException;
import tsvTranspositer.CommonLine;
import tsvTranspositer.HeadOfValuesHandler;
import tsvTranspositer.InputFile;
import tsvTranspositer.OutputFile;

public class tsvRoutine {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ArgsExceptions {

        // Boolean set to true while everything is good
        Boolean everythingOk = true;

        String inputFile = null; // Name of the entry file to be transposed.
        String outputFile = null; // Name of the output file.
        int serieNb = 1 ; // Number of columns before the actual values in the input file. Can be columns describing the product as well as empty columns before the values.
        int linesToCopy = 0; // Number of lines composing the header of the file (those lines will be copy/pasted in the output)

         * Handling the arguments first. 
        try {
            switch (args.length) {
            case 0:
                throw new EmptyArgsException();
            case 1:
                inputFile = args[0];
                String[] parts = inputFile.split("\\.");
                // If no outPutFile name is given, will add "Transposed" to the inputFile Name
                outputFile = parts[0] + "Transposed." + parts[1]; 
            case 2:
                inputFile = args[0];
                outputFile = args[1];
            case 3:
                inputFile = args[0];
                outputFile = args[1];
                serieNb = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            case 4:
                inputFile = args[0];
                outputFile = args[1];
                serieNb = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
                linesToCopy = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
                inputFile = args[0];
                outputFile = args[1];
                serieNb = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
                linesToCopy = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
                throw new OutOfBordersArgsException();

        catch (ArgsExceptions a) {
        catch (NumberFormatException n) {
            System.out.println("Arguments 3 & 4 should be numbers."
                    + " Number 3 is the Number of columns before the actual values in the input file. \n"
                    + "(Can be columns describing the product as well as empty columns before the values. (1 by default)) \n"
                    + "Number 4 is the number of lines to copy/pasta. (0 by default) \n"
                    + "Please try again.");
            everythingOk = false;
        // Creating an InputFile and an OutputFile
        InputFile ex1 = new InputFile(inputFile, linesToCopy); 
        OutputFile ex2 = new OutputFile(outputFile);

        if (everythingOk) {
            try (   FileReader fr = new FileReader(inputFile);
                    CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(fr, '\t', '\'', 0);
                    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile);
                    CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(fw, '\t', CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER)) 

                // Reading the header of the file
                // Writing the header of the file (copy/pasta)

                // Handling the line containing the columns names
                HeadOfValuesHandler handler = new HeadOfValuesHandler(ex1.readLine(), serieNb);

                // Each lien will be read and written (in multiple lines) one after the other.
                String[] row;
                CommonLine cl1; 
                // If the period is monthly
                if (handler.isMonthly()) { 

                    while (!ex1.isAllDone()) { 

                        row = ex1.readLine();
                        if (!ex1.isAllDone()) {
                            cl1 = new CommonLine(row, handler.getYears(), handler.getMonths(), serieNb);

                // If the period is yearly
                else {

                    while (!ex1.isAllDone()) { 

                        row = ex1.readLine();
                        if (!ex1.isAllDone()) {
                            cl1 = new CommonLine(row, handler.getYears(), serieNb);

            catch (FileNotFoundException f) {
                System.out.println(inputFile + " can't be found. Cancelling...");
            catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("Unknown exception raised.");



I know the exceptions aren't correctly handled yet, but they are in some kind of hurry for it to work in some way.

Another problem that will occur later is that I have no idea how to parse arguments to the program that are required.

Anyway, thanks for reading this post!


  • You cannot add routines per drag and drop to a job. You will need to access the routines functions through components.

    For example, you would start with a tFileListInput to get all files you need. Then you could add a tFileInputDelimited where you describe all fields of your input. After this, with e.g. a tJavaRow component, you can write some code which would access your routine.

    NOTE: Keep in mind that Talend works usually row-wise. This means that your routines should handle stuff in a row-wise manner. This could also mean that your code has to be refactored accordingly. A main function won't work, this has at least to become a class which can be instanciated or has static functions.

    If you want to handle everything on your own, instead of a tJavaRow component you might use a tJava component which adds more flexibility.

    Still, it won't be as easy as simply adding the routine and everything will work.

    In fact, the whole code can become a job on its own. Talend generates the whole Java code for you:

    • The parameters can become Context variables.
    • The check if numbers are numbers could be done several ways, for example with a tPreJob and a tJava
    • Input file could be connected with a tFileInputDelimited with a dot separator
    • Then, every row will be processed with either a tJavaRow with your custom code or with a tMap if its not too complex.
    • Afterwards, you can write the file with a tFileOutputDelimited component
    • Everything will get connected via right click / main to iterate over the rows

    All exception handling is done by Talend. If you want to react to exceptions, you can use a component like tLogRow.

    Hope this helps a bit to set the direction.