I am having a weird issue. I have a Domain object:
class MyClass {
String name
Boolean new = true
String number
String type
Byte[] data
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
static belongsTo = [
other: MyOtherClass
static mapping = {
table 'my_classes'
data column: "data", sqlType: "MEDIUMBLOB"
static constraints = {
data maxSize: 8000 * 66
number nullable: true
In the Controller I have (edited to show entire method):
def list = {
def myOtherClasses = MyOtherClass.getAll()
if ( !params.max ) params.max = 20
if ( !params.sort && !params.order ) {
params.sort = "new"
params.order= "desc"
def myClassCount = MyClass.createCriteria().count() {
'in'( 'other', myOtherClasses )
order( params.sort, params.order )
def myClassList = MyClass.createCriteria().list() {
'in'( 'other', myOtherClasses )
order( params.sort, params.order )
return [ myClassList: myClassList, myClassCount: myClassCount ]
The result if fine and the view is correct. But each time this code runs, the data property isDirty, so version is incremented, and lastUpdated is updated.
The data property is holding audio data, but I don't think that is relevant.
I can't figure out what is going on here. So my question is, how do I make it stop updating?
Using: Grails 2.4.4 Hibernate MySQL 5.7.9
Thanks in advance :)
After much research and testing, and a few great articles, I have found a solution:
Instead of using type Byte[] in the Domain Object, I use java.sql.Blob, and removed the sqlType in the mapping.
In the controller, I had to make a few changes to access the Byte[] data from the Blob, but that was easy.
I still don't know why this was happening, and I couldn't find any info on it, but it is working as expected now.