I have a table with filter
's like :
ng-repeat="person in filtered = ( data | filter:query | filter : name | filter {m_resource: resourceFilter} | filter : {m_id : idFilter} | limitTo:maxRowSize )"
And inside the table as part of each row, I have a delete
<button class ="btn" ng-click="removeRow($data, $index, this)">del</button>
when clicking on the button
I want the row
to be removed from the UI
, without using any filter I just use splice
$scope.data.splice(index, 1);
But when I am applying filter it wont work beacuse the index
(numer of the row in the displayed table) is the UI index
not the data index
Anyone know's how to delete a row
after filtering?
Try this,
<button class ="btn" ng-click="removeRow(person)">del</button>
In your removeRow function,
var index = $scope.data.indexOf(person);
$scope.data.splice(index, 1);