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Generic LensLike like mapped and traverse

Suppose I wanted to create an "optic" for the contents of MaybeT m a:

maybeTContents = _Wrapped .something. _Just

Is there such a something?

maybeTContents would for example be a Traversal when m is [], but only a Setter when m is (->) Int.

Example usage:

> MaybeT [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2] ^.. maybeTContents
[1, 2]
> runMaybeT (MaybeT (Just . ('e':)) & maybeTContents %~ ('H':)) "llo"
Just "Hello"


  • One way to do this is to make your own class that gives the right optic for the type your using:

    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
    class Ocular f t where
      optic :: LensLike f (t a) (t b) a b
    instance Settable f => Ocular f ((->) a) where
      optic = mapped
    instance Functor f => Ocular f Identity where
      optic = _Wrapped
    instance Applicative f => Ocular f [] where
      optic = traversed
    instance Applicative f => Ocular f Maybe where
      optic = _Just

    This will give a setter for (->) s and a traversal for [] etc.

    > let maybeTContents = _Wrapped . optic . _Just
    > MaybeT [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2] ^.. maybeTContents
    > runMaybeT (MaybeT (Just . ('e':)) & maybeTContents %~ ('H':)) "llo"
    Just "Hello"

    You can also write an instance for MaybeT and ReaderT:

    instance (Applicative f, Ocular f m) => Ocular f (MaybeT m) where
      optic = _Wrapped . optic . _Just
    instance (Ocular f m, Settable f) => Ocular f (ReaderT r m) where
      optic = _Wrapped . mapped . optic
    > MaybeT [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2] ^.. optic
    > runReaderT (ReaderT (\r -> [r,r+1]) & optic *~ 2) 1

    Note that the Identity case is only a Lens, not an Iso. For that you need to include the Profuctor in the Ocular class. You can also write a version that allows indexed lens and traversals this way.