Pretty much what the title says. Is there a way to make PhpStorm highlight the closing "tag" when using PHP's alternate syntax for control structures?
Take a look at this sample code for example:
if($x==5) {
echo "x is equal to 5";
If i put the cursor next to or before the opening/closing brace, PhpStorm will automatically highlight the matching opening/closing brace.
Now, if we write the same code but this time using PHP's alternate syntax for control structures, we end up with something like this:
<? if ($x==5): ?>
x is equal to 5
<? endif; ?>
In this case, PhpStorm will not highlight either the opening "if" or the closing "endif;". Is there a way to make it highlight it?
Unfortunately current versions of PhpStorm cannot do that. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to be notified on any progress. So far it has not been associated with any specific future version (not currently planned for implementation).