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Disable ng-options value dynamically

I want to disable select option which is in loop. So far i have implemented in following link. Its working way I wanted but i have made code very long. Is there any other way to implement.

Code Link

<div ng-controller="OptionsController">
<button value="add" ng-click="add()">
<div ng-repeat="val in v">
    <select ng-model="val.myColor" ng-change="call(">
        <option ng-repeat="c in colors" ng-disabled="c.shade=='dark'" value="{{}}">




  • ng-options with disabled rows has some details on how to use ng-options with disabled options.

    Based on your current use of the ng-repeat:

    <div ng-controller="OptionsController">
      <button value="add" ng-click="add()">
      <div ng-repeat="val in v">
        <select ng-model="val.myColor" ng-change="call()">
          <option ng-repeat="c in colors" ng-disabled="isDisabled(c)" value="{{c}}">

    JS - I simplified it a bit for clarity in demonstration

    angular.module('myApp', [])
    function OptionsController($scope, $timeout) {
      $scope.v = [{
        myColor: 0
      $scope.inUse = [];
      $scope.isDisabled = function(name) {
        return $scope.inUse.indexOf(name) !== -1;
      $scope.colors = ['black', 'white', 'red', 'blue', 'yellow'];
      $scope.add = function() {
      $ = function() {
        $scope.inUse = [];
        for(var i=0; i<$scope.v.length; i++) {
          var val = $scope.v[i];

    In English:

    The $scope.inUse array is maintaining a list of currently selected values. When you change a dropdown value it invokes the call function. That function empties the $scope.inUse array and re-populates it with the currently selected values.

    The $scope.isDisabled function returns a boolean on the basis that "If it has an index it is in use and thus disabled"