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Ti.Media.showCamera not showing even if camera permissions are granted Android 6.0 Titanium

My development environment is mac osx, appcelerator sdk 5.3.0 and testing on google nexus Android 6.0. Ti.Media.showCamera not opening camera even if permissions are granted. Here is my code

function openCamera(parms) {
    if (Ti.Media.hasCameraPermissions) {
        Ti.API.error("Yes has camera permission");
            success : function(event) {
                parms.source.image = newBlob;
            cancel : function() {
                Ti.API.error("User cancelled pictur selection");
            error : function(error) {
                var a = Ti.UI.createAlertDialog({
                    title : 'Camera Error'
                if (error.code == Ti.Media.NO_CAMERA) {
                    a.setMessage("No Camera Found!");
                } else {
                    a.setMessage('Unexpected Error: ' + error.code);
            mediaTypes : [Ti.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO],
            animated : true,
            autoHide : true,
            allowEditing : true,
            saveToPhotoGallery : false,
            showControls : true
    } else {
        Ti.API.error("No camera permission. Asking for Permission");
        Ti.Media.requestCameraPermissions(function(e) {
            if (e.success === true) {
            } else {
                alert("Access denied, error: " + e.error);

In console log this displayed

Yes has camera permission

[WARN] : InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.

Would someone point me out what is wrong here.


  • Hiii I think you are missing brackets after hasCameraPermissions. hasCameraPermissions() is a method defined inside Ti.Media. Use it like this: if(hasCameraPermissions()){ //Do you code..... }