Here is my type:
newtype SaneDate = SaneDate UniversalTime
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Generic)
makeWrapped ''SaneDate
Now I need an iso with this type:
reprBuild :: Iso' (Maybe UniversalTime) (Fist SaneDate)
I did this:
reprBuild = iso
(\ t -> First (SaneDate <$> t) )
(\ sane_first -> fmap (^. _Wrapped) $ getFirst sane_first )
But I have the impression I'm working extra-hard. Is there a (shorter) way of writing the reprBuild
iso as a composition of things?
Recent versions of lens
have that built in:
reprBuild = coerced
Of course, this requires safe coercions which are only available since 7.10; for backwards compatibility use a manual approach with mapping