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Constructing concrete types for typeclasses with GADTs

The inspiration for this is creating a list of values that are instances of Show. I found the following snippet that uses GADTs to create a concrete Showable type.

data Showable where Showable :: Show a => a -> Showable

instance Show Showable where
    show (Showable x) = show x

list :: [Showable]
list = [Showable 4, Showable "hello", Showable 'a']

Then, I tried to make Showable more general by creating a type that could make any typeclass concrete.

data Concrete a where Concrete :: a b => b -> Concrete a

instance Show (Concrete Show) where
    show (Concrete x) = show x

list :: [Concrete Show]
list = [Concrete 4, Concrete "hello", Concrete 'a']

This works with the ConstraintKinds and FlexibleInstances language extensions, but in order to use Concrete to make concrete types for other typeclasses, each one would require a new instance.

Is there a way to create something similar to Concrete such that, for example, Concrete Show is automatically an instance of Show?


  • It is not possible. Consider this:

    instance Monoid (Concrete Monoid) where
       mappend (Concrete x) (Concrete y) = Concrete (mappend x y) -- type error!

    This is a type error since x and y come from two different existential quantifications. There is no guarantee that x and y can be added together.

    In other words, [Concrete [1,2], Concrete ["hello"]] has type [Concrete Monoid] but can not be summed (mconcat).

    This is precisely the same problem for which, in OOP, the following base class/interface does not work:

    interface Vector {
       Vector scale(double x);
       Vector add(Vector v);
    class Vec2D implements Vector { ... }
    class Vec3D implements Vector { ... }

    The interface implies that a 2D vector is addable to any other vector, including a 3D one, which makes no sense. For an OOP solution, see F-bounded quantification and its related popularization callled curiously recurring template pattern.

    In Haskell, we often do not need such techniques since there is no subtyping, hence two types in, say, a Vector type class are already not mixable.

    class Vector a where
       scale :: Double -> a -> a
       add :: a -> a -> a
    instance Vector (Vec2D) where ...
    instance Vector (Vec3D) where ...