I'm making automation script for my node project and I've met little issue which I can not solve.
I want to start 3 detached proccesses using grunt tasks: selenium-standalone start
for tests, mongod --dbpath ./mongo
and node app.js
I use similar code for all of them
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
command = 'selenium-standalone.cmd', // or "mongod" or "node"
args = ['start']; // or ["--dbpath", path.join(process.cwd() + "/mongo/")] or ['app.js']
var ch = spawn(command, args, {
detached: true,
env: process.env,
stdio: 'ignore'
All proccesses successfully start in background but with different behaviour. Selenium open new terminal window, so I can see what it does and I can close it by double ctrl+C
. But mongod --dbpath ./mongo
and node app.js
is started silently. They works and I can find them in task manager (or by ps *mongod*
So, my question: how can I affect this behaviour? I want to unify it and use some external config parameter to rule it.
I'm using node on Windows 10.
Workaround I found:
// This one will close terminal window automatically.
// all output will be in terminal window
spawn("cmd", ["/k", "node", options.appFile], {
detached: true,
stdio: 'inherit'
// This one will NOT close terminal window automatically after proccess ends his job
// for some reason `spawn('start', [...])` will failed with ENOENT
spawn("cmd", ["/c", "start", "cmd", '/k', "node", options.appFilePath], {
detached: true,
stdio: 'inherit'
// This is freak one. All output will go to the file.
// New terminal window will not be opened
spawn("cmd", ["/c", "start", "cmd", '/k', "node", options.appFilePath, options.logFilePath,"2>&1"], {
detached: true,
stdio: 'inherit'
// This one is better than previous. Same result
var out = fs.openSync(options.logFilePath, 'a'),
stdioArgs = ['ignore', out, out];
spawn("node", [options.appFilePath], {
detached: true,
stdio: stdioArgs
Hope, somebody will find it helpful.