I have successfully stored an image into a MongoDB database, since it is stored as a Base64 type information; I want to retrieve that BinData to a string. How do I do that? Here I am finding my document using input 'Email'.
$m = new MongoClient();
$db = $m->mydb2->mycol2;
$result = $db->find(array('Email'=>$em));
foreach( $result as $key){
$susername = $key['Email'];
$imagebody = $key['pic'];
echo $imagebody;
As Haresh has said
$imagebody = $key['pic']->bin
works perfectly. But it returns me something like Raw data but if I write this
$imagebody = base64_encode($key['pic']->bin);
then it returns me exact Base64 format.
According to Documentation
To access the contents of a MongoBinData, use the bin field which return the string Mongo Binary Data
So Try this:
$imagebody = $key['pic']->bin
Hope this works for you.