I'm having a problem while trying to put structs in a priority queue, it is not correctly organizing by the score as shown in the image below, it should be organized by the biggest number.
Minimal code:
Class foo{
// this is in the .h file
struct individuo{
individuo(QColor cor): gene(cor){}
QColor gene;
int score;
int probabilidade;
int epoca;
// this is in the .h file
struct Comparador{
bool operator()(const individuo* arg1,const individuo* arg2) const {
return arg1->score < arg2->score;
void function();
priority_queue<individuo *,vector<individuo *>, Comparador> individuos;
void foo::function(){
individuo *a = new individuo(QColor(r,g,b));
a->score = rand() % 255;
and here its how it gets organized in memory:
it's possible to see that the structs are not being correctly organized by its score, why?
If you just want the individuo struct
to be sorted by the score, use std::map with the score as the key. priority_queue is used for a different purpose.
A priority queue is a container adaptor that provides constant time lookup of the largest (by default) element, at the expense of logarithmic insertion and extraction.
EDIT: Alternatively, just put the struct in a std::vector
or an std::array
and use std::sort
on it.