In R
, to find the length of a vector (bigz
or not), one typically uses the length
function. E.g.
NonBigZ <- 1:10
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] 10
However, using the gmp
package, if you declare a bigz
vector, the length of the vector is returned automatically. E.g.
BigZ <- as.bigz(1:10)
Big Integer ('bigz') object of length 10: ## <<-- length given here
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## This seems redundant as it is already given above
[1] 10
I would like to retrieve that information without making the extra call to length
. I know length
is lightning fast, but it could save a pretty decent chunk of time if you could avoid calling it. Observe:
system.time(sapply(1:10^6, function(x) length(BigZ)))
user system elapsed
7.81 0.00 7.84
I have tried attributes(BigZ)
as well as str(BigZ)
to no avail. I have read the gmp documentation as well, but couldn't find anything.
As @alexis_laz pointed out in the comments, gmp::print.bigz
already calculates the length but doesn't return it in any usable format. I did some digging into the gmp
source code and found this:
print.bigz <- function(x, quote = FALSE, initLine = is.null(modulus(x)), ...)
if((n <- length(x)) > 0) {
if(initLine) {
cat("Big Integer ('bigz') ")
kind <- if(isM <- !is.null(nr <- attr(x, "nrow")))
sprintf("%d x %d matrix", nr, n/nr)
else if(n > 1) sprintf("object of length %d", n) else ""
cat(kind,":\n", sep="")
print(as.character(x), quote = quote, ...)
As you can see, it uses the cat
function to return your bigz
object. From this question and this answer, it is possible to retrieve the requested information, however, it isn't nearly as efficient as simply calling length
. Below is a very crude function for obtaining the length.
BigZLength <- function(x) {
b <- capture.output(x)
a <- strsplit(b[1], split=" ")[[1]][7]
if (! {as.integer(substr(a,1,nchar(a)-1))} else {1L}
system.time(sapply(1:10^5, function(x) length(BigZ)))
user system elapsed
0.67 0.00 0.67
system.time(sapply(1:10^5, function(x) BigZLength(BigZ)))
user system elapsed
24.57 0.01 24.71
I'm sure you could write a more efficient function using regular expressions (or something else), however, I don't believe it will be as efficient as simply calling length
. In fact, simply getting the output of cat
takes most of the time in the above code.
system.time(sapply(1:10^5, function(x) capture.output(BigZ)))
user system elapsed
20.00 0.00 20.03
If you are familiar with R
you know that you can view the source code of a given function by simply typing the function in the console and printing it like so:
function (n)
if (n <= 1)
n <- 1
else n <- floor(n)
n <- n + 1
d1 <- max(3, round(log(n)))
P <- Primes(n, n + d1)
while (length(P) == 0) {
n <- n + d1 + 1
P <- Primes(n, n + d1)
<environment: namespace:numbers>
However, sometimes this is not possible. For example with gmp::print.bigz
we obtain:
Error: 'print.bigz' is not an exported object from 'namespace:gmp'
Enter Joshua Ulrich’s awesome question and answer. Using the code he suggests below, you can download the source code of any package and unpack it in one line.
untar(download.packages(pkgs = "gmp",
destdir = ".",
type = "source")[,2])
This creates a folder in your directory with all of the compiled code. The above source code was found in the .\gmp\R\biginteger.R