When using Android osmdroid/osmbonuspack:
How can I show a progress dialog (or a spinner) while loading the map? It should finish when I put all items on the map as well.
This answer is ONLY !!! useful when building the UI takes quite some time. Then you may show a temporary popup indicating that work is in progress.
My first guess was of course adding a ProgressBar in the Layout file using a RelativeLayout. Building the OSM map with many attributes prohibited showing the ProgressBar.
Normally a ProgressBar or anything similar only works correctly if the heavy work is done in the background. Alas, not possible because of a third party package.
In my case I use the OsmBonusPack (OSM map) and I have to plot many items on the map.
Now showing that the building of the map is in progress you can do the following (universal) trick:
Step 1: make a MessageDialog (showing a message) that extends DialogFragment:
public class MessageDialog extends DialogFragment {
ProgressDialog mDialog = null;
public MessageDialog () {
public Dialog onCreateDialog(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mDialog = new ProgressDialog( getActivity());
this.setStyle( STYLE_NO_TITLE, getTheme());
mDialog.setMessage("Building the map ... ");
return mDialog;
Step 2: When you start the heavy UI work (e.g. building the map (with many items on it) start showing the MessageDialog and then wait a short time like 300msecs or so IN THE BACKGROUND. This will allow the message box to appear!
FragmentManager fm = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
myInstance = new MessageDialog ();
myInstance.show( fm, "some_tag");
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
protected Void doInBackground( Void... voids ) {
try { Thread.sleep( 300); } catch( Exception e) {}
return null;
protected void onPostExecute( Void msg) {
start navigating to the map screen ... and do there the myInstance.dismiss();
do the work on the UI here AND myInstance.dismiss();