The project I am working on is using AngularJS and uses UI-Router plugin to manage all the state/page changes.
When I go to certain page via clicking a button on the homepage of the of the app, the tab order of that page starts at the footer. However when I refresh that same page, the tab order correctly starts at the top of the page. I did notice that when I go to the page via the button from the homepage, and click on the top of the page before starting to tab, the tab order behaves correctly.
I did try adding tabIndex="0" to links in the primary navigation bar, however that didn't make any difference. Like I said, the page's tab order works perfectly fine when I refresh the page. It is only messed up when I navigate to the page from some other part of the site.
Is there a way to make sure that tab order will behave exactly the same no matter if I refresh the page, or whether I navigate to the page from another page of the site?
On statechange or when the controller is initialized and after the DOM has rendered, set the focus to the first control that fits your criteria.
Containing View:
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div id="tabContent" ui-view></div>
var rootElementName='tabContent';
$timeout(function () {
var formElements = $('#' + rootElementId)
if(formElements && formElements.length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
}, 0);
*You can do this in a service or directive. OR you can tie it to onEnter or the $viewContentLoaded event.
I included the id so you can target controls on a specific part of the page, and this example will focus the first select,input,or textarea control that is not disabled.