I have a model (called Test):
property :id, Serial
property :title, String, :length => 255, :required => true
property :description, String, :length => 255, :required => true
property :brand, String, :length => 255, :required => true
property :link, String, :length => 255, :required => true
property :image_link, String, :length => 255, :required => true
property :price, String, :length => 255, :required => true
property :condition, String, :length => 255, :required => true
property :product_type, String, :length => 255, :required => true
I am importing data from a tab delimited file, using FasterCSV,
FasterCSV.foreach("test.txt", {:headers => true, :quote_char=>'"', :col_sep =>'/t'}) do |row_data|
row_data = Test.first_or_new(
'title' => :title,
'description' => :supplier,
'brand' => :brand,
'link' => :link,
'image_link' => :image_link,
'price' => :price,
'condition' => :condition,
'product_type' => :product_type
No errors appear, when I run the importer. Nothing appears inserted in SQLite table.
Am i missing something obvious? (The table exists within the target database, and the field names are the same as the headers from my file.
Update 2014/11/19: FasterCSV has been removed. Ruby standard library CSV should now be used intead. Just replace all occurrences of FasterCSV
with CSV
There's two problem i guess
This should work better:
FasterCSV.foreach("test.txt", {:headers => true, :quote_char=>'"', :col_sep =>"\t"}) do |row_data|
new_record = Test.first_or_new(
'title' => row_data['title'],
'description' => row_data['supplier'],
'brand' => row_data['brand'],
'link' => row_data['link'],
'image_link' => row_data['image_link'],
'price' => row_data['price'],
'condition' => row_data['condition'],
'product_type' => row_data['product_type']