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Dynamic TextRow in Eureka

I am trying to do a SegmentedRow. And in each section, there are TextRows. These TextRows are dynamic in number. I tried:

 +++ Section()
            <<< SegmentedRow<String>("segments"){
                $0.options = ["Assets", "Notes", "Photos"]
                $0.value = "Assets"
            +++ Section(){
                $0.tag = "assets_s"
                $0.hidden = "$segments != 'Assets'" // .Predicate(NSPredicate(format: "$segments != 'Sport'"))
            for t in myarray{
                <<< TextRow(){
                $0.title = "Which is your favourite soccer player?"


I tried putting the for loop there but I get an error in the succeeding lines.


  • i think that what you need is something like this, and this is how it looks

    enter image description here

    class ViewController2: FormViewController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            let assets = [String](arrayLiteral: "asset1","asset2","asset3")
            let notes = [String](arrayLiteral: "note1","note2","note3")
            let photos = [String](arrayLiteral: "photo1","photo2","photo3")
            // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
            form  +++ Section()
                <<< SegmentedRow<String>("segments"){
                    $0.options = ["Assets", "Notes", "Photos"]
                    $0.value = "Assets"
                    }.onChange({ (segmented) in
                        if(segmented.value == "Assets")
                            segmented.section!.removeLast(segmented.section!.count - 1)
                            for value in assets
                                segmented.section! <<< TextRow(){
                                    $0.title = value
                         if(segmented.value == "Notes")
                            segmented.section!.removeLast(segmented.section!.count - 1)
                            for value in notes
                                segmented.section! <<< ButtonRow(){
                                    $0.title = value
                        if(segmented.value == "Photos")
                            segmented.section!.removeLast(segmented.section!.count - 1)
                            for value in photos
                                segmented.section! <<< TextRow(){
                                    $0.title = value

    I hope this helps you