Okay so I have a relatively simple problem I think, and it's like I'm hitting a brick wall with it. I have a flask app, and a webpage that allows you to run a number of scripts on the server side using celery & redis(broker).
All I want to do, is when I start a task to give it a name/id (task will be portrayed as a button on the client side) i.e.
def start_upgrade(task_name):
example_task.delay(1, 2, task_name=task_name)
Then after the task has kicked off I want to see if the task is running/waiting/finished in a seperate request, preferably like;
def get_task_status(task_name):
task = celery.get_task_by_name(task_name)
task_state = task.state
return task_state # pseudocode
But I can't find anything like that in the docs. I am very new to celery though just FYI so assume I know nothing. Also just to be extra obvious, I need to be able to query the task state from python, no CLI commands please.
Any alternative methods of achieving my goal of querying the queue are also welcome.
I ended up figuring out a solution for my question from arthur's post.
In conjunction with redis I created these functions
import redis
from celery.result import AsyncResult
redis_cache = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
def check_task_status(task_name):
task_id = redis_cache.get(task_name)
return AsyncResult(task_id).status
def start_task(task, task_name, *args, **kwargs):
response = task.delay(*args, **kwargs)
redis_cache.set(task_name, response.id)
Which allows me to define specific names to tasks. Note I haven't actually tested this yet but it makes sense so.
Example usage;
start_task(example_task, "example_name", 1, 2)