I am having trouble overriding one of Magento's core controllers, the WishList Index Controller. When I add a product in the wishlist, I need Magento to redirect back to the product page instead of the wishlist. Here is what I did so far
No, this instance is intended for use outside of production or under the RDS Free Usage Tier
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<MyCompany_Coreextensions before="Mage_Wishlist">
/* Stay on product page after adding to wishlist */
class MyCompany_Coreextensions_Wishlist_IndexController extends Mage_Wishlist_IndexController
* Add the item to wish list
* @return Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action|void
protected function _addItemToWishList()
$wishlist = $this->_getWishlist();
if (!$wishlist) {
return $this->norouteAction();
$session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
$productId = (int)$this->getRequest()->getParam('product');
if (!$productId) {
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
if (!$product->getId() || !$product->isVisibleInCatalog()) {
$session->addError($this->__('Cannot specify product.'));
try {
$requestParams = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
if ($session->getBeforeWishlistRequest()) {
$requestParams = $session->getBeforeWishlistRequest();
$buyRequest = new Varien_Object($requestParams);
$result = $wishlist->addNewItem($product, $buyRequest);
if (is_string($result)) {
'wishlist' => $wishlist,
'product' => $product,
'item' => $result
$referer = $session->getBeforeWishlistUrl();
if ($referer) {
} else {
$referer = $this->_getRefererUrl();
* Set referer to avoid referring to the compare popup window
$message = $this->__('%1$s has been added to your wishlist. Click <a href="%2$s">here</a> to continue shopping.',
$product->getName(), Mage::helper('core')->escapeUrl($referer));
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
$session->addError($this->__('An error occurred while adding item to wishlist: %s', $e->getMessage()));
catch (Exception $e) {
$session->addError($this->__('An error occurred while adding item to wishlist.'));
//$this->_redirect('*', array('wishlist_id' => $wishlist->getId()));
In app/etc/modules, I created MyCompany_Coreextensions.xml, like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--we need to enable this module as any other if-->
<!--you wish to do it as standalone module extension-->
Of course, this doesn't work and it's driving me nuts. If I make the change in the Core file, it works as I want it to, but I wouldn't want to alter the Core files... Let me say that YES, I did clear the cache!
Your steps are right but only two things:
require_once Mage::getModuleDir('controllers', 'Mage_Wishlist') . DS . 'IndexController.php';
first of Controller class declaration;MyCompany_Coreextensions_IndexController
instead of MyCompany_Coreextensions_Wishlist_IndexController
(you have to change it into config.xml too -> <MyCompany_Coreextensions before="Mage_Wishlist">MyCompany_Coreextensions</MyCompany_Coreextensions>
instead of <MyCompany_Coreextensions before="Mage_Wishlist">MyCompany_Coreextensions_Wishlist</MyCompany_Coreextensions>