I am trying out Windows Containers based on microsoft/dotnet35
image on Windows Server 2016 TP5 for my Web App. I need to set up App-pool Identity to specific user, but I am getting an error. when running below command inside a Windows Container.
C:\>%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set apppool /apppool.name:spark /processModel.identityType:SpecificUser /processModel.username:Domain\username /processModel.password:test
APPPOOL object "spark" changed ERROR ( hresult:80090016, message:Failed to commit configuration changes. Keyset does not exist )
I can not connect to my database without setting this up as I am using Windows Authentication.
Please help.
After searching around I finally found the issue. The error was gone after I ran below command,
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\iissetup.exe /install SharedLibraries