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How to attach a new bookmark to an existing paragraph in word 2010 using OpenXml?

In word document, I want to set bookmark to all paragraphs whose style is "Heading 1".

How do I insert a new bookmark to an existing paragraph using OpenXml?


  • To do this you have to:

    1. Find all Paragraph
    2. Check if the paragraph is a title with Heading1 (you have to check the existence of a paragraphStyleId () Inside a ParagraphProperties ( ... )
    3. If it's a paragraph with Heading1 style, insert your bookmark.

    You should be able to do this with a code like

            int bookmarkId = 0;
            // MyDocuments.Body is a WordProcessDocument.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body
            foreach(Paragraph para in MyDocuments.Body.Descendants<Paragraph>())
                // if the paragraph has no properties or has properties but no pStyle, it's not a "Heading1"
                ParagraphProperties pPr = para.GetFirstChild<ParagraphProperties>();
                if (pPr == null || pPr.GetFirstChild<ParagraphStyleId>() == null) continue;
                // if the value of the pStyle is not Heading1 => skip the paragraph
                if (pPr.GetFirstChild<ParagraphStyleId>().Val != "Heading1") continue;
                // it's a paragraph with Heading1 style, insert the bookmark
                // the bookmark must have a start and an end
                // the bookmarkstart/end share the same id
                BookmarkStart bms = new BookmarkStart() { Name = "yourbookmarkname", Id = bookmarkId.ToString() };
                BookmarkEnd bme = new BookmarkEnd() { Id = bookmarkId.ToString() };
                // Insertion of bookmarkstart after the paragraphProperties
                // The bookmarkend can be inserted after the bookmarkstart or after the object the bookmark must surrounding
                // here we will insert it after bms. If you want to surround an object, find the object within the paragraph and insert it after

    More informations about the Bookmark classes here :