In Team Services, I'm trying to setup multiple build definitions for one Team Project that contains sub-folders for different products (following the single Team Project approach). The problem I'm having is that CI builds seem to be triggered from any change to the TFVC repo without regard to CI trigger filters.
The repo looks like:
I have 3 separate build definitions, each containing a mapping to one of the sub-folders (e.g $/MyProject/Product1) and a CI trigger with an "include" filter for the same folder.
When I checkin a change to a file in $/MyProject/Product1, VSTS starts three new builds, one from each of the three definitions. Each of the builds claims an association with the same changeset.
I was expecting one build based on the build definition containing the include filter for "$/MyProject/Product1".
A couple other things I tried:
The docs read:
TFVC Include
Select the version control paths you want to include and exclude. In most cases, you should make sure that these filters are consistent with your TFVC mappings on the Repository tab.
Am I misunderstanding the intended behavior of filters or is this a bug? Anyone else experience this? Any ideas for a workaround?
Note: I did look at this answer, but it is not clear to me that it covers the multiple build definition wrinkle. If you used one definition to build multiple branches and mapped a common parent, filters might not come into play.
This issue has been fixed now. Please try again. Refer to this link for details: CI Builds may not trigger as expected.
Final Update: Monday, 27 June 2016 22:53 UTC
The hotfix deployment completed on 27 June 2016 21:26 UTC and we have verified that we can no longer reproduce the issue. We understand that customers rely on VS Team Services as a critical service and apologize for any impact this incident caused.
Sincerely, Arvin