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MongoDB C++ Driver 3.0 get document in string and avoid json

I am trying to get double type data from the database as the documentation says:

auto cursor = db["collection"].find({}, opts);
for (auto&& doc : cursor) {
    std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;

But I want to avoid converting doc into json because I lost decimal precision. For example:

In database shows this:

"lng" : -58.4682568037741

But after converting to json, I receive this:

"lng" : -58.4682

Is there any way to convert it directly to string, for example?


  • You can pull out the field you want directly as a double. To print high-precision output, you need to set that on the output stream. E.g.

    for (auto&& doc : cursor) {
        std::cout << std::setprecision(15)
                  << "lng: " << doc["lng"].get_double() << std::endl;


    lng: -58.4682568037741

    You may want to verify that doc["lng"] is a BSON double before calling get_double.