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How can I find out why Mesos Chronos job fails?

I used to use cron for my backup routine and everything was fine:

tar c --exclude=owncloud --exclude=hadoop -C /var/opt . | pigz -c -p 4 --best 
| hadoop fs -put - /apps/appBackups/myserver_var_opt_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d_\%H-\%M-\%S).tar.gz

When I moved it to Mesos Chronos, it started failing from time to time even if I force run it:

ssh root@myserver <<'ENDSSH' bash ENDSSH

mesos-master.INFO logs are not descriptive enough - they show a state of a task (TASK_RUNNING, ACKNOWLEDGE call, TASK_FINISHED, and UUIDs) but not the reason why the task failed. Where could I find this information?


  • Job fails as some slaves does not have private keys to log in as root. The proper way is put a script to HDFS so every mesos-slave could copy and run it:

    hadoop fs -get /apps/utils/ && chmod +x
     && ./