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Read/Write S7-1200 bit memory via C#

I am trying to set value on a boolean memory in the S7-1200 CPU, I have used the SNAP7 library but I couldn't get success with it :

Result result = new Result();
byte[] Buffer = new byte[26];
Client.DBRead(1, 0, 2, Buffer); 
result.bArret = S7.GetBitAt(Buffer, 0, 1);
result.bMarche = S7.GetBitAt(Buffer, 0, 2);
Client.DBWrite(1, 0, 10, buff);

My goal is to be able to write value on memory : enter image description here

Here is the DataBlock 1 :

enter image description here

I need to accomplish this task without using OPC or some other third software.


  • Problem solved by replacing Merkers by datablock variables , here is an example :

            S7Client client = new S7Client();
            int res = client.ConnectTo("", 0, 0);
            int DBNumber;
            int Size;
            int Result;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[2];
            DBNumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(1);
            Size = System.Convert.ToInt32(2);
            Result = client.DBWrite(DBNumber, 0, Size, buffer);
            buffer[0] = 1;
            buffer[1] = 1;
            Result = client.DBWrite(DBNumber, 0, Size, buffer);

    hope that someone will found it usefull in the future.