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LibreOffice Basic Ignoring “some” of my Type...End Type Definition

I'm using LibreOffice Version: Build ID: 40m0(Build:2) Locale: en_AU

I have a Basic Module

At the top of this module before any sub or functions I have

Type InitHeadings
    MySort_By As Integer
    MyCharacter As Integer
    MyInitiative As Integer
    MyRolled As Integer
    MyTotal As Integer
End Type


Global InitiativeColumn As New InitHeadings

But when I run a sub, set a breakpoint and 'watch' the InitiativeColumn Object only the first two fields are shown.

enter image description here

The rest of my code relevant to this struct as the documentation calls them is below. I don't reference it anywhere else. Can anyone tell me why the first two would work but not the rest? I have two other structs in this code and both also ignore the last three fields. Is this a Bug?

Sub Main
'Initialise Doc and Sheet Objects

Dim Doc As Object

Doc = ThisComponent
StatsSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Stats")
InitiativeSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Initiative")
CombatSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Combat")

'Initiative Sheet
    For Column = 0 to 25 'Columns A to Z
        MyHeadingName = InitiativeSheet.getCellByPosition(Column,0).String
        Select Case MyHeadingName
        Case "Sort By"
            InitiativeColumn.MySort_By = Column
        Case "Character"
            InitiativeColumn.MyCharacter = Column
        Case "Initiative"
            InitiativeColumn.MyInitiative = Column
        Case "Rolled"
            InitiativeColumn.MyRolled = Column
        Case "Total"
            InitiativeColumn.MyTotal = Column
        End Select
    Next Column

End Sub

Sub MyInitiativeButton

'Iterate over a range of cells:
For Row = 1 To 25 'Rows 2 to 26
    'Column 3 is column D the "Rolled" column
    InitiativeSheet.getCellByPosition(InitiativeColumn.MyRolled,Row).VALUE = Roledice(1,20,0)
Next Row

End Sub


  • It looks like a bug, and seems to have been reported here. The problem did not occur when I tested it in a newer version (LO

    This is only an issue for the debugger window. The values are still there:

    Sub TestStructs
        InitiativeColumn.MySort_By = 5
        InitiativeColumn.MyCharacter = 5
        InitiativeColumn.MyTotal = 5
        InitiativeColumn.DoesntExist = 5
    End Sub

    This code works fine until the line InitiativeColumn.DoesntExist = 5, whereupon it crashes.

    Now the Global problem that you mentioned in the comments is really a problem. Considering the standard programming advice that global variables are bad, I think it's wise to consider alternatives.

    Instead of a subroutine, could you perhaps use a Function that returns InitiativeColumn? If not, then assigning the variable as you suggested seems a viable workaround. Personally for LO macros I prefer Python or Java since they have classes.