I am trying to add a sum column to a large file that has dates in it. I want to sum every month and add a column to the right of the last column of that month.
Below is a reproducible example:
df <- data.frame("6Jun06" = c(4, 5, 9),
"13Jun06" = c(4, 5, 9),
"20Jun06" = c(4, 5, 9),
"03Jul16" = c(1, 2, 3),
"09Jul16" = c(1, 2, 3),
"01Aug16" = c(1, 2, 5))
So in this case I would need to have three columns (after Jun, Jul, and Aug).
X6.Jun.06 X13.Jun.06 X20.Jun.06 Jun.Sum X03.Jul.16 X09.Jul.16 Jul.Sum X01.Aug.16 Aug.Sum
1 4 4 4 Sum 1 1 Sum 1 Sum
2 5 5 5 Sum 2 2 Sum 2 Sum
3 9 9 9 Sum 3 3 Sum 5 Sum
I am not sure how to sum every month individually. I know there are build-in sum functions but the functions that I tried do not fit to my problem because they just do a general sum.
If you are new to R, a good start is taking a look at the dplyr
ecosystem (as well as other packages by Hadley Wickham).
df %>%
mutate(id = 1:nrow(df)) %>%
gather(date, value, -id) %>%
mutate(Month = month.abb[apply(sapply(month.abb, function(mon) {grepl(mon, .$date)}), 1, which)]) %>%
group_by(id, Month) %>%
summarize(sum = sum(value)) %>%
spread(Month, sum) %>%
left_join(mutate(df, id = 1:nrow(df)), .) %>%