I followed the Quick Start tutorial about Shinobicharts, and I'm wondering how to get a centered graph like this one cos graph
I succeded to center the x axis using this :
chart.xAxis.axisPositionValue = @0;
How can I center the y axis as well? Thanks in advance!
DISCLAIMER: I am a developer at Shinobi Controls.
The "axisPositionValue" is in data terms on the other axis.
For example, if you had a X-axis with the data range 0 - 10 and a Y-axis with the data range 0 - 100. To get both axes to be in the centre of the chart set the X-axis' "axisPositionValue" & the Y-axis' "axisPositionValue" to 5 like so:
chart.xAxis.axisPositionValue = @50;
chart.yAxis.axisPositionValue = @5;
Let me know if you have any questions.