I'm trying to print a character while on graphical mode. Usually when I print a character I'm doing:
mov ah,14 ; ah=14
mov al,'x'
int 10h ; print the character
This time it doesn't work. I guess that the problem is that I switch to graphical mode:
push ax
mov ah, 0
mov al, 13h
int 10h
pop ax
So how can i still use graphical mode (i need it) and print a char? I'm using nasm compiler, bochs debugger, and 8086 platform.
Thanks alot!
Always have Ralf Brown Interrupt List handy.
The service int 10h/AH=0Eh
requires the page number in BH
and the color to use in BL
This snippet works
mov ah, 0eh ;0eh = 14
mov al, 'x'
xor bx, bx ;Page number zero
mov bl, 0ch ;Color is red
int 10h
In text mode the BL
is not used, however in graphical mode it is.
Not properly setting it may end up writing "black on black".