I have the following scenario:
The problem is the Views Bulk Operations respects Node permissions. Editor will not be able to delete the node as he has not been given that permission. Is there a way that Editor can become a higher role user (as sort of sudo) while performing that action in VBO? Alternatively is there a way to tell VBO to ignore node access for this action?
I'm sure this is a mainstream requirement but I can't seem to find a solution.
Solutions which do not involve programming will be preferred.
The simple, but not-so-clean way, is the route you already took, but with an additional, small module to help it.
, that returns TRUE
if the user is allowed to delete, FALSE
if the user is not. hook_form_alter()
to modify and delete the button on the node_edit form, if my_module_can_delete($user)
to modify the confirm form that is called on /node/%nid/delete, and add a message there, telling the user he or she my_module_can_delete($user)
. This should be enough, since disabling this form will result in users not being able to get past this form. FORM-API will take care of that.However, you can make it more sturdy, to catch other deleting modules:
, $op == 'delete'
to catch delete actions and halt (by invoking drupal_goto()
, or calling drupal_access_denied()
to enforce a user-error. Only catch delete-actions if the referer was the delete-confirm-form as mentioned above. Or, more secure, whitelist your VBO-action and return false on all other referers. A referer can often be found by reading out the $node passed along to hook_nodeapi()
.A, IMHO, much cleaner, but probably more intensive alternative, would be to simply make sure your batches/actions are called on every delete action.
In a module, you could do this by avoiding all the VBO-configuration and leaving all the extra-delete actions out of there.
Then write a module that implements hook_nodeapi()
and then calls all the cleaning actions from there. That way you can be sure that your delete-actions are called on every delete-action on any node. Obviously you can add some conditions into your hook_nodeapi() to only invoke your modules in certain cases (node-types, user-roles, permissions and so on).