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OData Collection Parameter bindings ... do they actually work?

According to the docs here ...


Binding an Action to an Entity Set

In the previous example, the action is bound to a single entity: The client rates a single product. You can also bind an action to a collection of entities. Just make the following changes:

In the EDM, add the action to the entity's Collection property.

var rateAllProducts = builder.Entity().Collection.Action("RateAllProducts"); In the controller method, omit the key parameter.

[HttpPost] public int RateAllProducts(ODataActionParameters parameters) { // .... }

Why when I do this does it not work ...

Invoice Ref:

public class InvoiceReference
    public string InvoiceNumber { get; set; }
    public int SupplierId { get; set; }

Action setup:

var getByRefs = Builder.EntityType<SIHead>().Collection.Action("ByRefs");

Action method in the controller:

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ByRefs(ODataActionParameters p)
   var refs = p["refs"] as InvoiceReference[];
   // exception p is null

Example json content posted:

    "InvoiceNumber": "5100011759|9800006622",
    "SupplierId": 2
    "InvoiceNumber": "5100012624|9800006635",
    "SupplierId": 2
    "InvoiceNumber": "5100012625|9800006636",
    "SupplierId": 2

Seems to me that either I missed something or OData is broken.


  • After gettting some feedback from github (thanks Sam) I came to the conclusion that the way OData works means we must always post an object and never a collection directly ...

    I missed some subtle / implied rules here ...

    I have to provide an object (as a container) and not just the array I want to post. I can not bind directly to an ICollection, IList, List or Array only IEnumerable Out of curiosity: Why is this different to normal webAPI? The underlying binding framework in WebAPI's binding is awesome.

    I'm not sure this "oddity" was / is well documented, it looks like no matter what I am posting I should always provide an object and never a collection directly in the body.

    to post an array I therefore have to do ...

    { "foos": [1,2,3,4] }

    .. instead of doing ...


    ... and then in the action always treat the posted collection as an Enumerable ...

    Task PostStuff(ODataActionParameters p)
       var foos = p["foos"] as IEnumerable<Foo>;

    ... I'm pretty sure this example is given somewhere but i'm pretty sure this requirement that the body always contain an object is not (i could be wrong). I guess this is to encourage people to build strongly typed request bodies (feels like a good call IMO).