in these days I'm going crazy about x-editables...I can't understand how customize an x-editable to obtain a complex array of fields.
I need to create an x-editable customized, that has this behavior: a checklist (so an array of value) but with an input text field for every check item.
I need something like this (simulated with paint shop)
This x-editable when submit must produce an output like (just a retouched example)
How can I create an x-editable with this behaviour/functionality?
Pratically a collection of objects, where the object have two fields: id, number of fruit.
Thanks in advance to all.
Following comments, check this solution (referred to fiddle):
$('#save').on('click', function(){
var fruits = [];
$('.editable').each(function(i, v){
/* store it as you like */
var name = $(v).data('name');
var value = $(v).editable('getValue'); //x-editable stores value under 'name' index, like {"banana": 10}
var fruit = {"fruit_id": name, "num": value[name]}
// promise() will wait .each() loop to finish before going ahead
url: "/post",
data: {fruits: fruits},
success: frunction(data){