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Can we execute rightclick without using pCmdInfo->lpVerb

I am not agnaist using pCmdInfo->lpVerb but my problem is how will we handle the situation when we create the rightclick submenus dynamically. For example, I have the following scenario:

        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 0,  MF_BYPOSITION|MF_GRAYED, m_uCmdID++, _T("Connect") );
        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 1,  MF_BYPOSITION, m_uCmdID++, _T("DicConnect") );
        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 2,  MF_BYPOSITION, m_uCmdID++, _T("Configure") );
        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 3,  MF_BYPOSITION, m_uCmdID++, _T("Menu4") );
        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 4,  MF_BYPOSITION, m_uCmdID++, _T("About") );
        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 0,  MF_BYPOSITION, m_uCmdID++, _T("Connect") );
        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 3,  MF_BYPOSITION, m_uCmdID++, _T("Help") );
        InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 4,  MF_BYPOSITION, m_uCmdID++, _T("About") );
InsertMenuItem ( hmenu, uMenuIndex, TRUE, &mii );

Now If I am using pCmdInfo->lpVerb with switch case , as demonstrated below, then Case 1 is getting executed Whether I click on DisConnect (Menu Item Inserted in If condition in above code snippet) or Help (Menu Item Inserted in Else part as above code snippet)

switch ( LOWORD( pCmdInfo->lpVerb) )
        case 0:
            //Your Logi for Case-0
        case 1:
        //Your Logi for Case-I      


  • You are supposed to store the menu item identifiers (or offsets?) in QueryContextMenu for use later in InvokeCommand:

        m_uConnectId = m_uCmdID++;
        InsertMenu( m_hSubMenu, "Connect" );
        m_uHelpId = m_uCmdID++;
        InsertMenu( m_hSubMen, "Help" );
        ULONG uCmdID = LOWORD( pCmdInfo->lpVerb );
        if( uCmdID == m_uConnectId )
            // do "Connect"
        else if( uCmdID == m_uHelpId )
            // do "Help"