How I can use column with space in the name ('library name') in PROC SQL
in SAS?
proc sql outobs=10;
select *
from sashelp.vtable
where library name = xxx
I tried:
proc sql outobs=10;
select *
from sashelp.vtable
where 'Libname'n = test_lin;
proc sql outobs=10;
select *
from sashelp.vtable
where 'library name'n = test_lin;
proc sql outobs=10;
select *
from sashelp.vtable
where libname = test_lin;
ERROR: The following columns were not found in the contributing tables: test_lin.
Variable Name: libname
Variable Label: Library Name
According to documentation - SAS Name Literals:
proc sql outobs=10;
select *
from sashelp.vtable
where 'library name'n = xxx
A SAS name literal is a name token that is expressed as a string within quotation marks, followed by the upper- or lowercase letter n. ... You can use a name literal only for variables, statement labels, and DBMS column and table names.