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Angular2 detach view before onDestroy?

Is it somehow possible in Angular2 to get notified BEFORE the component is already destroyed!? i.e. When it is ABOUT TO be destroyed.

I have a container component which holds a ViewContainerRef on one of its children which will be used to dynamically load views. If the container component itself gets destroyed (in my case due to a *ngFor directive in the parent component), i want to detach the view which is currently loaded in the ViewContainerRef and attach it on another container again.

Thing is: In the ngOnDestroy() life cycle hook the ViewContainerRef is already cleared, so all views are destroyed, nothing to detach anymore.


  • My solution for now (not really a workaround) is to implement the ngOnChanges() of the parent component which uses the ngFor directive. If the array which is iterated by ngFor has changed and its length is shorter than before i simply detach the views of all containers (@ViewChildren containers: QueryList) and map them to the containers (Map). I then re-insert the mapped views again by iterating the new containers list and loading the ViewRefs from the map, in the containers.changed listener.

     selector: 'container-collection',
     directives: [Container],
     template: `<container *ngFor="let i of views"></container>`
    export class ContainerCollection {
     public views = [];
     @ViewChildren(Container) private containers: QueryList<Container>;
     private viewMap = new Map<Container, ViewRef>();
     public ngOnChanges(changes: {[key: string]: SimpleChange]}): void {
      if(changes['views']) {
       //detach all views and remember which container had which view
       this.viewMap = new Map<Container, ViewRef>();
       this.containers.forEach(container => {
        var view = container.viewContainer.detach();
         this.viewMap.set(container, view);
     public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
      //insert the views again (into the appropriate containers)
      this.containers.changes.subscribe( () => {
       this.containers.forEach(container => {
        var view = this.viewMap.get(container);
     selector: 'container',
     template: `<div #viewContainer></div>`
    export class Container {
     @ViewChild('viewContainer') public viewContainer;

    The code is just a draft and may contain syntax errors. But the idea (which is working for me) should be clear.

    It would be great of the Angular2 team to add a LifeCycle hook which gets called BEFORE a component gets actually destroyed. (e.g. ngBeforeDestroy() ) or so.