I Have downloaded couple of projects from github , which are sbt projects, and imported in Scala IDE. But When I try to run them...they are not showing in run configuration.
I think for sbt project there is some another way to import in eclipse.
Please Help.
Attaching the screenshot of the project.
you should convert it to eclipse projects first.
1.you need to add eclipse plguins in your project/plugins.sbt, something like this: addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "4.0.0")
2.run sbt
In CLI from your peoject fold and type eclipse
, wait util it successes. Now , you can import it to eclipse (eclipse project needs .project and .classpath the two files)
BTW, sbt
and eclipse
command may be a little slow, be patient.
Hope it helps.