I'm using X=rpoisline(4)
to generate lines and plot them with plot(X)
With X$ends
I have their coordinates and their intersection points with selfcrossing.psp(X)
(In R with spatstat : library(spatstat)
I need to get a list of segments and their coordinates and be able to manipulate them (change their orientation, position, intersection...). Those segments have to be defined by the intersection of a line with an other line and with the window.
So, am I missing a simple way to convert a psp of few intersecting lines in a psp of non intersecting segments (I hope it's clear) ?
If you have a non-simple way, I'm interested to !
Thanks for your time !
edit :
Here are the lines I have :
And here are the kind of random stuff I think I can produce if I manage to handle each segments (one by one). So I need to get a list of segments from my list of random lines.
The spatstat
function selfcut.psp
is designed for exactly this purpose.
Y <- selfcut.psp(X)
For further information about manipulating line segment patterns, see section 4.4 in the spatstat book.