I'm attempting to learn Rust by implementing a simple in-memory URL shortener with Hyper 0.10. I'm running into an issue that I think is caused by trying to close over a mutable HashMap
in my handler:
fn post(mut req: Request, mut res: Response, short_uris: &mut HashMap<&str, &str>) {
let mut body = String::new();
match req.read_to_string(&mut body) {
Ok(_) => {
let key = short_uris.len();
short_uris.insert(&key.to_string(), &body.to_string());
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::Created;
Err(_) => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::BadRequest
fn get(req: Request, mut res: Response, short_uris: &HashMap<&str, &str>) {
match req.uri.clone() {
AbsolutePath(path) => {
match short_uris.get::<str>(&path) {
Some(short_uri) => {
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MovedPermanently;
None => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::NotFound
_ => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::BadRequest
fn main() {
let mut short_uris: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
short_uris.insert("/example", "http://www.example.com");
Server::http("").unwrap().handle(move |req: Request, mut res: Response| {
match req.method {
hyper::Post => post(req, res, &mut short_uris),
hyper::Get => get(req, res, &short_uris),
_ => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MethodNotAllowed
src/main.rs:42:40: 42:46 error: the trait bound `for<'r, 'r, 'r> [closure@src/main.rs:42:47: 48:3 short_uris:std::collections::HashMap<&str, &str>]: std::ops::Fn<(hyper::server::Request<'r, 'r>, hyper::server::Response<'r>)>` is not satisfied [E0277]
src/main.rs:42 Server::http("").unwrap().handle(move |req: Request, mut res: Response| {
Do I need to use an Arc
to share the HashMap
between threads? If so, what would that look like? Also, I could be totally wrong about the issue. The error message is very cryptic to me.
Please include all the necessary use
declarations next time, thanks!
If you're using nightly Rust, the error message is a less cryptic:
expected a closure that implements the
trait, but this closure only implementsFnMut
That means that Hyper needs the closure to be shared between threads, so the closure needs to use its environment only via immutable or shared methods – so the usage of &mut short_uris
is the offender here. To provide shared threadsafe mutability in Rust, you should use Mutex
or RwLock
Please note that you don't need Arc
here – Hyper manages the ownership of the closure itself (probably by wrapping the closure in Arc
under the hood, or using something like scoped-threads).
There's also second issue with your code – you use HashMap<&str, &str>
. &str
is a borrowed reference. Each time when you have something borrowed in Rust, you should ask yourself – from where? Here you try to borrow from really short-lived strings – key.to_string()
and body.to_string()
. It just can't work. Just make your hashmap fully owned – HashMap<String, String>
. Here's the version of your code which compiles:
extern crate hyper;
use hyper::server::{Request, Response, Server};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use hyper::status::StatusCode;
use hyper::uri::RequestUri::AbsolutePath;
use hyper::header::Location;
use std::io::prelude::*;
fn post(mut req: Request, mut res: Response, short_uris: &mut HashMap<String, String>) {
let mut body = String::new();
match req.read_to_string(&mut body) {
Ok(_) => {
let key = short_uris.len();
short_uris.insert(key.to_string(), body);
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::Created;
Err(_) => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::BadRequest,
fn get(req: Request, mut res: Response, short_uris: &HashMap<String, String>) {
match req.uri {
AbsolutePath(ref path) => match short_uris.get(path) {
Some(short_uri) => {
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MovedPermanently;
None => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::NotFound,
_ => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::BadRequest,
fn main() {
let mut short_uris: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
short_uris.insert("/example".into(), "http://www.example.com".into());
let short_uris = std::sync::RwLock::new(short_uris);
.handle(move |req: Request, mut res: Response| match req.method {
hyper::Post => post(req, res, &mut short_uris.write().unwrap()),
hyper::Get => get(req, res, &short_uris.read().unwrap()),
_ => *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::MethodNotAllowed,
I've also got rid of the unnecessary .clone()
in the get
Please note that this code, while compiles, is not perfect yet – the RwLock
locks should last shorter (get
and post
should take &RwLock<HashMap<String,String>>
as an argument and perform the locking by themselves). The .unwrap()
also may be handled in a better way. You can also consider using some lockless concurrent hashmap, there should be some crates for that, but I'm not into the topic, so I won't recommend any.