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Inserting a DropDown Menu

I need some suggestion on handling an issues. I have an entity called Rider with an Integer attribute called PayPeriod and another Date attribute called DateToRide. So this PayPeriod for Rider gets populated from the Static entity called Pay_Period with Attributes PayPrd, PayStartDate and PayEndDate and Records from Pay1 to Pay26. enter image description here

So what happens is once Date to Ride is entered for a Rider the PayPeriod from static entity Pay_Period is calculated like, in Action for creating a new Rider

NewRider.DateToRide >= Pay_Period.PayStartDate and NewRider.DateToRide <= Pay_Period.PayEndDate

And it is assigned like enter image description here

It looks in the table like this

enter image description here

Now there is a requirement also to add a drop down menu in the page where the user should be able to change the payperiod 1 t0 26 for a Rider. So I am trying to add a drop down but the issue is I am not having the foreignkey Pay_Period Identifier in my Rider entity so enter image description here Not sure what is the Variable I will be giving here. I tried creating the local variable of Pay_Period Identifier type and liked to the Dropdown variable but it doesnot work that way.Can anyone spot light on how to approach this.


  • I'm not sure why it didn't work to use a local variable with the type Pay_Period identifier. It should, cause that's the way to dot it :). That's the variable that will hold the value selected by the user. Check my test: ComboBox

    And the variable declaration
