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AngularJS - binding a function to an isolate scope via '&', not firing on ng-click

I have a parent directive with a controller that sets a method on $scope.

Then, in the child directive, I try to require that scope method via &.

However, the ng-click inside the child directive will not fire with the parent scope function. Am I doing this wrong?

Parent directive (where method is defined)

app.directive('ParentDirective', [
    function($http) {
        return {
            restrict: 'AE',
            template: '' +
                '<div child-directive ' +
                    'list="list" ' +
                '/>' +
            controller: function ($scope, $http) {

                $scope.setSelected = function (selector) {
                    console.log('hit!', selector);

                $scope.list = [];

            link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {}

Child Directive (try to call parent method on ng-click, but not working)

app.directive('childDirective', [

        function($window) {
            return {
                restrict: 'AE',
                scope: {
                    setSelected: '&',
                    list: '=',
                template: '' +
                    '<ul>' +
                        '<li ng-repeat="person in list" ng-click="setSelected(person)">{{person.uri}}</li>' +
                    '</ul>' +
                link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {

Am I passing $scope.setSelected() incorrectly from the parent to the child directive?

EDIT: So I changed the parent template to assign the function like so: template: '' + '' + '',

this will now trigger the function, but the argument does not get passed from the child directive. How can I get the child directive to pass an argument into the parent directive function?


  • ParentDirective has typo should be: parentDirective

    in the parentDirective template you should pass the function 'list="list" ' + 'set-selected="setSelected(person)"'

    try this:


    <parent-directive ></parent-directive>


    app.directive('parentDirective', [
        function($http) {
            return {
                restrict: 'AE',
                template: '' +
                    '<div child-directive ' +
                        'list="list" ' + 'set-selected="setSelected(person)"'+
                    '/>' +
                controller: function ($scope, $http) {
                    $scope.setSelected = function (selector) {
                        console.log('hit!', selector);
                    $scope.list = [];
                link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {}
      app.directive('childDirective', [
            function($window) {
                return {
                    restrict: 'AE',
                    scope: {
                        setSelected: '&',
                        list: '=',
                    template: '' +
                        '<ul>' +
                            '<li ng-repeat="person in list" ng-click="setSelected({person:person})">{{person.uri}}</li>' +
                        '</ul>' +
                    link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {

    working plunker: